August 15, 2008

A short history of 1000MIKES

The original idea of 1000MIKES was to provide a tool that allows live coverage of sport events. You're are a fan and your favorite team isn't covered by radio or TV? Then take your mobile phone to the sports event of your choice, and become the live reporter yourself. Your report will be streamed live to an Internet audience, and may be downloaded later from the 1000MIKES archive.

Photo : lornagrl Cc_icon_attribution_smallCc_icon_noncomm_small

After we launched the service in March 2008 in Germany, about one year after we had the first ideas on it, it quickly turned out that users used it for all kinds of purposes different from sports. They did interviews, read their own short stories, commented TV shows, speculated about the development of financial markets, supported political campaigns, and much more.

In short, they did radio. 1000MIKES made it very easy for users without a technical background (or even handicapped users), to produce audio content on the web, both live and archived. So we broadened our focus and put the slogan "Talk Radio 2.0" on our front page.

We also found out that our users wanted to communicate with each other. So we provided means to comment and to call in into a live broadcast. Right now, you can only broadcast and call in using a phone, but soon it will be possible to do so directly from the web browser.

With the launch of international version now, we hope that users from many different countries will enjoy our service. If there is no dial-in number available in your country, let us know, and we will try to setup one quickly. Happy broadcasting!

Finally, who are we? 1000MIKES is a small company, founder-funded, and located in Hamburg. All of us can be heard on 1000MIKES from time to time, though probably in German. My 1000MIKES-profile is here, feel free to write me if you like to know more about us or if you want to give us feedback.